TC Section Executive Committee

2023 TC Section Officers

  • Chair: Ahmed Naumaan
  • Vice-Chair:  Sorabh Lal
  • Secretary: Rahul Gomes
  • Treasurer: Eric Dunn
  • Past Chair: Stephen Maresh


Please email us by clicking the Contact Us button below. We would love to hear from you.


We have a lot of great activities that members will enjoy. Established professionals, these activities can use your organization expertise. Students and young professionals, these are opportunities to gain project experience and soft skills that will help you in your career. Section activities and events also provide all members with the opportunity to expand their professional and social networks.

If you would like to give back to your professional community, participating in the IEEE Twin Cities is a great way to do it! Click on Contact Us and let us know what you would like to do.

TC ExCom Meetings

TC ExCom notes can be accessed here. You will need an IEEE Google account to be able to sign in and view the documents.

Page last updated on: 2023 November 19